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Most people who have their own well or get their water from a city with a well likely take it for granted that the water they drink is safe. After all, well water doesn’t receive any municipal water treatment. However, many problems can occur with well water, including contamination from chemicals and bacteria.

If you are worried about the safety of your well water, you can have it tested for contaminants. Testing is affordable and highly professional. You can get your residential water well drilling services to help you detect all contaminants.

Here’s the list of the 8 well water issues people encounter most frequently and how to solve them.

Hard Water

Hard water has a high mineral content and can cause various issues in homes and businesses. Some of the most common problems caused by hard water include clogged pipes, scaling on fixtures and appliances, reduced efficiency of appliances, stained clothing, and dishes, and dry skin. In addition to these problems, hard water can also be a health hazard. It can contain lead and other harmful chemicals that can cause health problems if ingested or absorbed through the skin.

A water softener or conditioner is the simplest way to treat hard water. Water softeners and conditioners prevent scale buildup by removing hardness minerals from the water or changing the makeup of these minerals to make them less sticky.

Hydrogen Sulfide or Iron Bacteria

Hydrogen sulfide is a gas that smells like rotten eggs. It can cause nausea, vomiting, and headaches. In high concentrations, it can be deadly.

Iron bacteria are tiny organisms that live in soil and water. They feed on minerals in the water, including iron. They release a reddish-brown slime that can clog pipes and faucets when they die. The bacteria can also cause bad tasting and smelling water.


Water naturally contains hydrogen sulfide, which can be physically removed by adding air to the water and letting the gas escape. Aeration systems can eject gas from the water by bubbling, cascading, or other means. Because it doesn't add chemicals to the water, aeration may prove beneficial.


One problem caused by contaminated well water is that it can contain high fluoride levels. While fluoride benefits dental health, ingesting too much fluoride can have negative consequences. For example, it can cause teeth to become discoloured and pitted, leading to bone damage.

Additionally, consuming too much fluoride can result in other health problems, such as thyroid dysfunction and reproductive problems. Therefore, it is important to be aware of the potential dangers of drinking contaminated well water and take steps to avoid them.

You can use a point-of-use reverse osmosis filter only to treat your drinking water because fluoride doesn’t harm your home’s plumbing.

High Turbidity

If your well is defective, poorly constructed, or not properly sealed, high turbidity, or suspended sediment, may enter it.

High turbidity can cause several problems, including decreased water quality, bad taste and odor, and clogged pipes and fixtures. It can also cause health problems if the water is consumed. If you’re experiencing any of these problems with your well water, it’s important to have it tested and treated as soon as possible.

Use a point-of-entry sediment filter to treat high turbidity on your own. If you’re still experiencing any of these problems with your well water, it’s important to get it checked out by a professional right away. Untreated well water can pose serious health risks, especially for children and pregnant women.

Iron, Manganese & Tannins

According to the EPA, about 15 percent of Americans rely on private wells for their drinking water. While these wells can be a great option for those looking for an alternative to city water, they can also be susceptible to contamination. Contaminants often found in well water include iron, manganese, and tannins.

These contaminants can cause various problems, including discolored water, bad taste and odor, and health concerns. Iron can cause red or brown staining on fixtures and laundry, while manganese can produce black spots on dishes and laundry. Tannins are responsible for some well water’s tea-like color and strong odor.

All of these contaminants can have negative effects on your health. Iron and manganese can cause gastrointestinal problems and skin irritation, while tannins may increase cancer risk.

Coliform or E.coli Bacteria

Contamination of groundwater can seriously affect its quality and usability. One common contaminant is coliform bacteria, including E.coli and fecal coliform bacteria. These bacteria originate from the intestines of warm-blooded animals and indicate the presence of disease-causing organisms.

They can cause stomach cramps, diarrhea, and other health problems. Coliform bacteria are often found in surface water, but their presence in groundwater is more concerning because it suggests that the water has been contaminated by sewage or animal waste.

You must shock the well with chlorine to eliminate any already present bacteria.

Low pH (Acidic Water)

Low pH (acidic) water can corrode pipes and fixtures, leaving your home at risk for leaks and water damage. It can also affect your skin and hair, making them dry and brittle. In addition, acidic water can leach metals from pipes and fixtures, which can end up in your drinking water.

  • Install a neutralizing filter: A neutralizing filter will counteract the effects of low pH by adding alkaline minerals back into the water. This will help to restore the pH balance and reduce corrosion.

Another thing to be aware of is that if you have a constant pressure system for well water, it's important to keep the water level in your well below the top of the casing. If the water level gets too high, it can erode the soil around the casing and allow contaminants to seep in.

Low Water Pressure

A broken well pump is almost always to blame for significantly lower than normal water pressure. If your water pressure is slightly below average, you may only have scale in your pipes due to a hard water problem.

The cause will determine how to resolve this issue. Make sure the pressure and well pump breaker are turned on, then read the pressure gauge for the well pressure tank to determine if your well pump is the problem. A minimum of 20 psi should be displayed. If the pressure is less than this, either the pressure switch, well pump, or pressure tank is probably broken.


One of the biggest dangers of drinking well water is that you can’t be sure what contaminants are in it. Well water may contaminate agricultural runoff, factory chemicals, or bacteria from septic tanks or manure pits. These contaminants can cause health problems such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and even death.

Suppose you’re considering a residential water well drill. In that case, it’s important to consult a professional to help you choose the right location and ensure your water is safe to drink and comes out with the right pressure.